Ceiling Light Fixtures
All ceiling light fixtures at Kootenay Forge are chandelier style wrought iron. Our chandeliers can be hung directly from an outlet box in the ceiling, but be sure the box is well screwed to the ceiling joist and can take the weight of the chandelier. A screw hook is supplied so the chandelier can be swagged. All chandeliers hold “C” type candelabra bulbs, maximum 60 watts, and are CSA certified for Canada and USA. Lampshades are sold separately.
Chandelier or Electric Candelabra Ordering Instructions
Chandeliers come standard with 3 feet of chain and cord. Extra chain and cord can be added for $3.00 a foot. This must be done during the wiring of the chandelier, so it is important that any additional chain be specified when ordering your wrought iron chandelier. As well as ordering the extra chain through the shopping cart, you can also leave us a note in the “Comments” box near the end of the check-out process.