Courses and Blacksmithing Info
If you are interested in learning the art of blacksmithing please help yourself to the high quality, free open source information on blacksmithing here in PDF format.
This information is endorsed and courtesy of the Herefordshire & Ludlow College – The Rural Crafts Centre: The National School of Blacksmithing in England. This school and material are also endorsed by The Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths and the British Artist Blacksmiths Association. If you do not know of these two organizations, know this, they are dead serious about the preservation and promotion of quality blacksmithing. This school is internationally renowned for being one of the finest blacksmithing schools in the world. If you would like to be a professional blacksmith and have the financial means, you could not go wrong attending this school.
We run courses when time permits, unfortunately our current project workload inhibits us from offering a course schedule at this time. Feel free to periodically check our website for this may change.